Life Insurance

Life Insurance

NGAKY: Insurance Program

The National Guard Association of Kentucky offers reasonably-priced term life insurance to ALL MEMBERS OF THE KENTUCKY NATIONAL GUARD via the National Guard Association of Kentucky Life Insurance Program underwritten by Armed Forces Benefits Association.

Life Insurance Benefits

  • $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, $25,000, $30,000, $35,000, $40,000, $45,000 or $50,000
  • Life insurance payable within 24 hours in the event of death from any cause. Coverage is twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year
  • No War Clause.
  • No Aviation Exclusion.
  • No Suicide Clause.
  • No Hazardous Duty or Civilian Occupation Restriction.
  • Full Conversion privilege upon termination regardless of health.
  • Eligibility: Options
  • $1,000 Basic Benefit
  • $5,000 Optional Benefit

Any member, within the ninety (90) days after joining the National Guard, may enroll prior to the 91st day after joining, without furnishing evidence of insurability. If a member does not apply within the ninety (90) day period after joining the National Guard, he may still apply, but the Company reserves the right to accept or reject his application.

Members have the option of applying for additional insurance, up to $50,000, by submitting evidence of insurability satisfactory to the Company.

Download Enrollment Forms

State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) Enrollment Form: Download Insurance Policy Enrollment Form

Download Form

Universal Request For Change Form: Download Request for Change Form

Download Form

Monthly Premiums: Guard Members

$5,000.00 $2.00
$10,000.00 $3.66
$15,000.00 $5.33
$20,000.00 $7.00
$25,000.00 $8.67
$30,000.00 $10.34
$35,000.00 $12.01
$40,000.00 $13.67
$45,000.00 $15.34
$50,000.00 $17.01

Life Insurance For Dependents

Spouse/Dependent Insurance Cannot exceed 50% of Member’s Coverage. Coverage continues until age 65, with optional coverage available thereafter. There is no combat exclusion and it does not matter if you are on or off duty. Death benefit can be paid in 24 hours or less after notification.

$5,000.00 (Spouse) $3.33
$10,000.00 (Spouse) $6.66
14 days to 6 months $1,000.00 // $2,000.00
6 months to 2 years $2,000.00 // $4,000.00
2 years to 3 years $4,000.00 // $8,000.00
3 years to 21 years* $5,000.00 // $10,000.00

*Remains in effect to age 23 if Dependent is Full-Time Student

Spouse/Dependent Insurance Cannot exceed 50% of Member’s Coverage. Coverage continues until age 65, with optional coverage available thereafter. There is no combat exclusion and it does not matter if you are on or off duty. Death benefit can be paid in 24 hours or less after notification.

$5,000.00 Spouse Insurance $2.00
$10,000.00 Spouse Insurance $3.66
$15,000.00 Spouse Insurance $5.33
$20,000.00 Spouse Insurance $7.00
$25,000.00 Spouse Insurance $8.67

Summary: Insurance Program

In summary, the insurance program offers Kentucky National Guard families and their dependents an affordable peace of mind for the many sacrifices made on behalf of their country. Please download an enrollment form in this section for more detailed information. Thanks for your service!

National Guard Association of Kentucky
Mailing Address: NGAKY, 1117 Louisville Road, Frankfort, Ky 40601


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