

About The Awards

Both the NGAKY and NGAUS awards programs are excellent ways to recognize servicemembers within your commands — as well as those outside your organization who have contributed to the overall success of the Kentucky National Guard. The nomination process is simple and streamlined, but submissions must be accompanied by robust supporting documentation. In general, the more documentation you can provide to support, the better.

There are four different NGAKY awards, listed below.


Billy G. Wellman Award

To recognize exceptionally-outstanding service of a civilian or military member who has labored for the betterment of all members of the Kentucky National Guard and the NGAKY.

General John Hunt Morgan Award

To recognize individuals for exemplary performance and outstanding service to the NGAKY

George Rogers Clark Outstanding Young Officer Award

To provide recognition of a junior-grade officer who – as a member of the KYNG – performed exceptionally-outstanding service to his or her unit.

Community Service Award

To recognize Guardsmen who donate their time and talent to the community as representatives of the National Guard

How to Nominate a Member:

Each Wing and MSC should select an overall nominee from subordinate submissions and submit final nominations to me NLT 15 September 2022. Please note that, while the criteria for these awards are vague by design, superior performance of normal job duties does not justify presentation of an award. NGAUS Awards have multiple categories and submission restrictions.

Please review the attached description for each award, and contact me directly with any questions or requests for assistance in submitting for these honors.

Jim Simms

Executive Director

502.564.7500 (office)

859.327.4769 (cell)

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